Equality Fund Annual Report 2022/23

Feminism in Motion

Delivering Change in an Uncertain World


A future powered by us, for us

In every corner of the world, women, girls, and trans people are full of power. The power to create. The power to reveal and reinvent. The power to grow, nourish, and heal.

But too many institutions that weren’t made for us or by us are standing in the way, or not moving fast enough to deliver the social, economic, and structural changes we demand and deserve.

So we’re betting on a new strategy that liberates our movements from unsustainable models of the past, and accelerates the revolutionary, unfulfilled power of women, girls, and trans people everywhere.

With each step forward our community is building that road to full equality, together. We know that when we move together, we move the world.

The Challenge

Feminist movements hold solutions to our world’s biggest challenges. But traditional charity and development models keep money and power at the top, denying our movements the predictable support we deserve to build the futures we need. To shift this reality, we believe we must go to the roots of the problem, with a new strategy to disrupt the funding models of the past.

Our Approach

Together, we are building a different kind of funding model—one that unites gender-lens investing, bold government funding, policy advocacy, and multi-sector philanthropy to unlock new capital for feminist movements globally over the long term. When we inject capital up and down the collective movement, organizations of all kinds gain access to the resources they need to work at their best, and we achieve outsized impact.

This independent and durable channel of resources will no longer depend on the shifting agendas and priorities of donors and funders alone. And resources will shift sustainably to our world’s most innovative leaders to create change on their own terms, for decades to come. Each part of our model holds a critical piece of this vision and works together to multiply impact and turn it into a reality.

$21,245,362 to Feminist Movements Across the Globe

  • 0organizations funded
  • with a0%increase in Grantmaking from last year
    • 0Countries
    • 0Continents
    • 0World
Stories of ChangeRead More

Money is a form of power and possibility. Moving it is a concrete way to move our world toward the just and sustainable future we need.

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When we change minds, money and power follow. Making the case, disrupting old narratives, expanding the notion of what’s possible, and spreading the seeds of new thinking are key to lasting change.

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Change takes root when we link together in common purpose and momentum. And change on a global scale demands collective action and shared learning on a whole new level.

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